van wolputte

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curriculum vitae

My education, experience and other qualifications. TL;DR? Take a look at my resume: more compact, but essentially equivalent.

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Senior Data Scientist | 2022-2023

  • Engineering team and Bio-informatics team at BatchX, Inc. (USA)
  • Context. BatchX is a startup that tackles (and solves) the reproducibility problem in bio-informatics.
  • Description. In my role as the in-house data-scientist, I improved data-processing flows on the engineering side as well as on the bio-informatics team. More specifically, I built two small software libraries for internal use; one for automatically bootstrapping the backend architecture, and one that abstracts away recurring technicalities for the bio-informatics team, so they can build better bio-informatics tools, faster.
  • Supervisor(s). Ignacio Del Valle Alles (CTO) David Castillo Rodríguez (CSO)

PhD Researcher | 2016-2021

  • Dept. of Computer Science at KU Leuven (Belgium)
  • Thesis. MERCS: Multi-directional Ensembles of Regression and Classification Trees (Promotor. Prof. H. Blockeel)
  • Context. Machine Learning is in dire need of algorithms/models that offer both scalability and versatility. We hypothesize that a clever ensemble of decision trees offers exactly that.


Machine Learning (ML) Innovation at Tunify | 2021

  • Type. Collaboration with external partner
  • Collaborator(s). W. Pijpos, K. Vanderstraeten, W. Meert
  • Context. To explore opportunities for ML in their platform, Tunify teamed up with KUL. On our end, I was the day-to-day responsible researcher/engineer pushing this project forward.

Anomaly Detection in the LHC at CERN | 2017-2021

  • Type. Collaboration with external partner
  • Collaborator(s). P. Van Trappen, W. Meert
  • Context. Automatic identification of malfunctions in the LHC was the goal of this multi-year CERN+KUL partnership. Under supervision of P. Van Trappen (CERN) and myself, this resulted in four dissertations, one publication and a proof-of-concept anomaly detection pipeline.

Synth at KU Leuven | 2016-2021

  • Type. Research project
  • Collaborator(s). L. De Raedt, H. Blockeel, S. Kolb, G. Verbruggen, et al.
  • Context. I was fortunate enough to be a team member on this ERC-funded project led by Prof. De Raedt with the very ambitious goal to automate data science itself.



MSc in Artificial Intelligence | 2015-2016

MSc in Physics and Astronomy | 2012-2015

Máster en Física Teórica (Erasmus) | 2013

  • Facultad de Ciencias Físicas, UCM (Spain)
  • Spent a semester at UCM via the Erasmus exchange programme. Here, I made the decision to focus on theoretical physics.



A non-extensive list of the technologies I am familiar with.

Inevitably, my level of expertise in these technologies varies considerably. Some technologies I use on a daily basis, others were encountered in projects long since concluded.

Additionally, I am well aware that the list below is fairly heterogenous. Indeed, some technologies are full programming languages, whilst others are “only” software libraries. To keep things as simple as possible, I chose not to make that distinction and just list whatever I felt to be relevant. My assumption is that people that know what they are looking at will understand regardless, whereas for people that do not, the difference does not matter anyway.

  • Regular use. python, julia, bash, git, latex, java
  • Datascience stack. sklearn, altair, pandas, numpy, cython, jupyter, conda, pip, plotly, dash, xgboost, tensorflow, pytorch, …
  • Experience. aws, terraform, c, c++, rust, jekyll, docker, prolog, liquid, matlab, bash, postgres, mathematica, css, html, ruby, spark, hadoop, vim, tmux, singularity …


The languages I can read, write, speak or understand. Overall, I believe language learning makes for great brain-gymnastics, and occasionally I get really into it.

  • Native. Dutch
  • Advanced. English, Spanish (because of reasons)
  • Basic. French

For some reason, I set a personal goal of mastering seven. One day…


name Elia Van Wolputte
nationality Born in Belgium (1991)
residency Ghent, Belgium
email [firstname][dot]vw[at]gmail[dot]com
website http://eliavw.github.io/personal-site
me Elia.